Sunday, June 26, 2011

Boy Oh Boy JOY

Noah's bedroom is now complete. Whether or not it would be used is the question. My little family has been late night couch potatoes. There was some hesitation at first, but he slept there the whole night and actually liked it. He keeps talking to me about "his room," and that put a smile on my face.

Noah was asked to give a talk in Primary. My little boy won't even go up to the front with the other children to sing a Primary Song. He had agreed to do it and I had agreed to help. Saturday Night, the thought surfaces, "Noah has a talk to give tomorrow!" I mentioned it to Noah and his big brown eyes got even bigger. He grabbed one of Rick's legal pads and proceeded to write his talk...all by himself!!! He seemed please as was I. JOY was going into the Primary Room and seeing your boy stand at the microphone and give a talk that he had prepared on his own.

JOurneY on...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Oh Happy Day

Cleaning out the garage can be a major project, but the rewards can be great. I have found things I had forgotten I had lost. There in my pile of stuff stood four DVD's containing clips of Noah of yesteryear. Anxious to see what he used to look like, we sat down as a family to view our dear Noah. What a treasure...his sweet little voice, his big brown eyes, his contagious laughter, his dancing to ABBA, his love for his grandparents, his call for my attention..."Look MOM!" (How I loved hearing that!) his development and baby steps over the years, his Christmas Mornings and so much more. We were a small family finding JOY in the simple things. At that moment of watching the DVD's, I was overcome with a JOY I have not felt in a long time.

I found JOY hiding in my garage. It makes me wonder where I should look next.

JOurneY on...


Never in my life have I needed MIRACLES like I do now. I think I am what gets in the way of my miracles...No doubt, I know the Lord can do all things. It is my lack of faith in myself...that I will allow those miracles to happen. I know the Lord can help me in my unbelief.

JOurneY on...

I can find JOY when I allow miracles to happen.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tests in Life


I find JOY in knowing there is a tremendous amount of growth that results from overcoming challenges. I can hardly wait to see what this one brings.

JOurneY on...


We have had a Spring of rain, a lot of rain, wind, cool temperatures and occasional snow. It is JOY to begin the first day of Summer with the sun shining.

JOurneY on...

Finally the Fish

Noah and Tryn have been begging for a fish. I have spent 5 solid days cleaning and saying "later." I could see that "later" would not come to pass as there is always something to do. I took a break from my labors and took Noah and Tryn to PetCo. The smiles on their faces as they selected the fish and supplies, more than compensated for all the hard work I may have accomplished.

JOurneY on...

Taking Action

I have compiled a list of actions I have taken to improve the environment.
X Carpets Cleaned
. Dejunk
. Sort--Garage Sale Items, Deseret Industry items, Items to Keep
X Wash all the Towels, Linens, and Pillows
X Glade Plug Ins
X Scented Candles Burning
X Scrub out the Kennel
X Febreeze Everything
X Coin Jars
Cut expenses
X Hang Pictures
. Major Overhaul Clean
. Organize Items
Have a Place for Items to be put away
. Solicit Rick and Noah's help
X Wash the Shower Curtain
. Forgive
. Thought Shift
. Resume
. Discover Talents
. Routine
. Sever Negative Communication Cycle
X Write and Send Out Uplifting Cards
X Work in the Yard
. Be the Change
. Seek Employment
. Repair Relationships
. Invite the Spirit
. Play with Noah
X Blog Noah's Mom stories...remember bananas
X Organize storage room
X Organize Rick's office papers and equipment
X Move out of San Marino by June 30, 2011

There is such JOY in checking off a To Do List

JOurneY on...

Examples of Perspective Change

I can't believe the renters left our home in a state of shambles TO I really am a great housekeeper.
I can't believe Rick is choosing to golf over helping me TO I am glad Rick has something to enjoy during this time of trial.
I can't believe how much money is owed to us TO I will trust in the Lord to deliver us from our financial burdens.
I can't believe how much money we owe TO I can set up a payment plan...little by little.
I can't believe I would forsake a clean apartment for a bachelor pad TO I am so grateful to be together with my family once again.
I can't believe how overwhelmed I am feeling TO I can hardly wait to see what I learn from this challenge.
I can't believe how complacent we are at living Gospel Basics TO I am thrilled that we are having daily family prayer.
I can't stand the dog hair and smell TO I see how happy Da Vinci makes Noah.

The question is, "What will I do about it?"

There is such JOY in knowing I have a choice. I will choose the better way...

JOurneY on

Monday, June 20, 2011

Glass Half Empty

Life... so full of challenges... Focusing on the negative outcomes has created a big, black hole in which I have found myself. I am determined to JOurneY out by changing my perspective from the "glass half empty" to the "glass half full." Some call them coincidences. Some do not see them at all. I believe there are tender mercies happening all the time whether or not I choose to notice them. There are solutions to life's challenges. It is time for me to start seeing and acknowledging them.

I raise my glass to the"half fulls"

JOurneY on...