Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sign Me Up

Once in a while Noah will grab the markers, paper, glue, sticks and whatever else he can find. Today, he made signs. Rick asked Noah to get him a drink and the first sign went up, "NO." He didn't even have to use his voice or wait for just the right question because just the right question happened right off the bat. These are the signs he figured he would use most. It is so fun to see what clever things Noah can create.

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I Don't Feel Like It

Too hot, too tired, no energy...I just didn't want to go. Noah insisted that I go hit golf balls with he and Rick. I am so glad I did. I found JOY in being with my family and Rick telling me I have a good swing. It wasn't as hot as I thought it would be and getting up and moving, got my blood pumping and energy restored. Sometimes JOY is found in those things you don't feel like doing.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011


Noah is striving for his Soaring Eagle. One of the requirements was to select and read a Caldecott Award Winner Book. It was JOY to hear Noah read one of my childhood favorites...."May I Bring a Friend" by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers. If the Queen and King had invited me, I wonder what friend I would want to bring.

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Gifts of the Magi

The Anniversary Gifts for year thirteen -- traditional is lace and modern is textile. MMmmm...not very good subjects to work with and being penniless and idealess meant the two of us were going to pass on gifts. Rick had a golf round at Bonneville. There are memories of of "us" at tournaments and a usual mid-stop for my favorite big, giant, soft pretzels. Rick came home with four of them for me and wished me a Happy Anniversary. Early mornings for Rick and a few golf rounds, meant exhaustion. I mowed the lawn for him and wished him a Happy Anniversary. Neither gift fitting the theme, but the thought behind the gifts were priceless.

JOY is thinking about your significant other more than yourself.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


For some lip smackin' zesty ribs, Noah suggested Goodwood Barbecue Company......and....... we held hands.

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Monday, August 8, 2011


Thirteen Years ago today, I was married for Time and All Eternity to Fredrick Paul Groendyke in the Stockholm Sweden Temple. Happy Anniversary! JOY is being together again.

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Sunday, August 7, 2011


*I know Jesus is my Lord and Savior. He died for me.
He lives for me. I live for Him. I love Him.
*I believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. Reading this book blesses my life.
*I know Joseph Smith is the Prophet of the restoration. He lacked wisdom. He asked of God. Heavenly Father and Jesus answered him personally.
*President Thomas S. Monson is the Prophet today. He is the instrument Christ uses to guide His children through revelation.

I am so happy to know and believe this...

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Images:, theironrodisthewordofgod,,

Faith No More

I was asked to substitute in Noah's class in Primary. I needed this lesson to serve as a reminder to have faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. I do have faith...but I want the kind of faith that the Brother of Jared had. He not only saw the finger of the Lord, but because of his great faith and belief in Jesus' words, was permitted to stand in the presence of the Lord. He did not need faith now for he had a perfect knowledge. JOY is knowing that if I earnestly seek the Lord's assistance, He will answer my prayers or guide me to the solutions for my challenges. Truthfully, I can hardly wait to put this principle to the test.

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Image by

Having a "HEELIE" Good Time

Noah had a few hard days which took it's toll on me. Rewarding him was the last thing I wanted to do. He has been asking for those shoes with wheels on them...heelies. I continued to say no, that is until I saw that everyone had brand new "back to school shoes." After school, I took him for "back to school shoes." I made it clear that these shoes had nothing to do with his unacceptable behavior...rather, everyone needs new shoes when a new school year starts. JOY was watching him select just the right pair of shoes...even the employee said that he picked out shoes that matched his personality. He was grinning from ear to ear and I knew that he was experiencing JOY. I cannot begin to write how happy that made me. (Heelies are not as easy as they look...Noah would need to practice.)

JOurneY on ( and for Noah, in a new pair of shoes.)


Yes...I have my photos on the computer organized... another project completed. I always knew I had JOY clicking away on my camera, but I had forgotten the JOY that comes when I view them once again. Noah and I took a moment to view them as a slideshow with much fun.

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

And He Cried Cough, Cough, Cough, All the Way to the Tahoe

Noah's ear infection began to heal, but his cough was non stop...especially when we were all trying to get a few winks. Earlier in the day a neighbor had mentioned that mold and mildew can really irritate an already suffering respiratory system. Our carpets had recovered from the water heater leak, but there was growing mold on some sheetrock. After hours of Noah's coughing, Rick thought it would help to get him out of the house. He gathered pillows, sleeping bags and blankets and piled them in the back of the Tahoe where we slept for the night. The hatch was wide open for fresh air. JOY was hearing the sounds of a summer evening rather than Noah's cough and sleeping under the stars. It was awesome !!! The next day, the sheetrock was cut and removed and Noah's cough improved greatly as did his desire to take up residence in the back of the Tahoe.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Lost Art

Yes, you can even find JOY in your kitchen sink. I have been spoiled to have a dish washer for the greater part of my life. Although, I do remember helping to wash dishes when mom decided to use the china and the silver and I remember the "Madge and dish pan hand" commercial for Palmolive. Washing dishes by hand seems to be some what of a lost art. I could complain that I do not have a dishwasher, but I will be grateful that I do not have to carry buckets of water from a well to heat over a roaring fire...just so I could eat off a clean is how you look at it that makes the difference. :)

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Birds and the Bees

I am not really sure I ever understood the phrase "the birds and the bees." Well, we have them both. Inside this adorable birdhouse is a buzzing hive and a nest of twigs nicely tucked inside. Our birds and bees are living in style. JOY is the kindness of parents, the beauty of nature, and decorations with a purpose.

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Biking Buddy

Noah missed the first five days of school to illness. Now he is in the habit of staying home. A friend called and asked if it would be okay with Noah to accompany her son to school on bikes. That was just the motivation I needed to get him out of bed. Today was his first real day of third grade...Go Noah!!! JOY is knowing your son has good friends and just when you need the help, it comes.

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Tahoe Woes No More

Since the load of boxes and piles of stuff for Deseret Industries, I have been absolutely paralyzed about emptying out the car and then giving it a good clean. Heck....I had so many other places needing my attention that it was easy for me to let this one go. Every time I had to take my vehicle, I was constantly reminded of my procrastination. There was not even a place for a passenger. Rick thought since he was getting a boat load of miles on the truck, he would take the Tahoe instead...which meant the time to clean it was excuses. It was an early Saturday Morning and I was dreading the work but I am thrilled...full of JOY...I have a clean car and I can take people around without having to offer up excuses for the mess. Though I was apprehensive about starting this project, Rick needed the car which forced me to deal with it. I am so happy I don't have to think, "I should really go clean out my car..." because it is DONE!!!! Sometimes JOY sneaks up on you.

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